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Toms River Parents and Students Fight for Ice Hockey Co-Op


TOMS RIVER, NJ (GovWire) - A group of concerned parents and students from Toms River North High School attended the Board of Education meeting on November 21, 2023, to plead their case for a co-op proposal for the school's ice hockey team. The proposal would allow the team to combine with Jackson High School's team, providing a solution to the issue of low player numbers and ensuring the safety of the players.

Stephanie Schneider, a parent representing the Toms River North ice hockey Booster club, spoke about the team's current situation. "On average, an ice hockey team usually has no less than 20 players. We are at bare bones right now," she said. Schneider explained that the low number of players does not allow for injuries, illnesses, college visits, or family time during the season.

Kevin Butch, another parent and club ice hockey coach, also spoke about the issue. "These guys are going to have a rough time if they don't do some type of co-op," he said. Butch explained that the team had a similar issue last season, where they almost had to shut down the season due to a lack of players.

The group proposed a co-op with Jackson High School, which would allow both teams to combine and provide a solution to the issue. Butch explained that co-op programs have been successful in other areas and would benefit both the players and the schools.

Superintendent Mr. Seta responded to the proposal, stating that he had been in communication with the Jackson Superintendent, but the proposal had not been approved. "I can promise you that we will work to ensure the safety, security, and planning time for our Toms River High School North program unconditionally," he said.

The group of parents and students left the meeting with the hope that the Board of Education would continue to work towards a solution for the Toms River North ice hockey team. The issue of player safety and the future of the team remains a concern for all involved.

The Toms River community will be watching closely to see how the situation develops and whether the co-op proposal will be approved. For now, the Toms River North ice hockey team continues to face challenges, but with the support of their parents and the community, they remain determined to find a solution.


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