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Our Service

GovWire provides AI and AI-assisted journalism of municipal and government meetings. We enable news organizations to prioritize their limited journalism resources by leveraging artificial intelligence to accelerate the creation of news products that can be used to accelerate and increase local government coverage for their audience. We do this with full transparency and control for our customers - they can choose to use the materials as well as go directly to the source materials. 



GovWire creates "listeners" for municipal and other government meetings. These listeners are designed to have triggers that automatically detect when new meetings occur or are otherwise available. 


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From the meeting video, GovWire's AI processing begins - breaking down the meeting so that our AI models can begin working to create our journalism aids and news products.




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GovWire generates a wide array of news products and journalism aids and accelerators according to client preferences such as transcripts, news summaries, articles and even rich media such as podcasts and social media videos. 

Case Study: Epicenter NYC

Case Study

Our client, nonprofit news organization Epicenter NYC, came to us with an urgent request. A controversial development proposal was being discussed at a Queens Community Board 3 meeting but they didn't have a reporter available to attend the meeting, which often lasts more than a few hours. They asked if GovWire could assist with helping to cover the meeting.


The meeting was live streamed on YouTube, enabling GovWire to participate in the meeting. Once the meeting was available, GovWire was able to process it to create journalism aids and news products for Epicenter NYC.

Queens Community Board Meeting
Runtime: 3:13:39

GovWire News Products

GovWire generated an AI transcript for Epicenter NYC so that their reporters could see and search the full context of the community meeting. â€‹


Transcript generation: <5 mins


GovWire's products were able to assist Epicenter NYC's coverage of the community meeting, including fully using the News Summary in their story. They estimate that the use of GovWire's products helped save 6-8 hours of work - a 75% reduction - and ensured more complete coverage by enabling them to fact check information, organizing key information, generating first drafts to help understand the story. 


|WE ARE SO GRATEFUL FOR THIS TOOL! - S. Mitra Kalita, Epicenter NYC


See publisher S. Mitra Kalita's lessons learned post on LinkedIn to find out her firsthand experience with the tool. 

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