WOODBRIDGE, NJ (GOVWIRE) - At the Woodbridge Township Council Meeting on November 21, 2023, the Metropark Station redevelopment plan was a topic of robust discussion and debate. The plan, which originated in 2008, has been in the works for many years and has faced opposition from some members of the community.
Anna Lombard, a representative from Alfieri, a company that owns buildings in the existing Woodbridge Township/Edison Township Transit Village, spoke out against the plan. She argued that the office component of the proposed transit-oriented development is unnecessary due to the already high vacancy rates in the transit village. "The loss in tax revenue from buildings that for many years helped stabilize Woodbridge's and Edison's tax rates will more than offset the pilot payments Woodbridge receives," Lombard stated. She urged the Council to deny approval of the pilot and to consider permitting the construction of market and affordable housing on 74th Ave. instead.
Councilman Small responded to Lombard's concerns, stating that the project has nothing to do with the apartments and is not even close to them. He explained that the project is still in the study and design phase and that the cost is not yet known. "We have experts looking at it," he said. "We don't know how much it will cost yet."
The debate over the Metropark Station redevelopment plan is sure to continue as the project moves forward. The Council will have to weigh the concerns of community members and businesses against the potential benefits of the development.
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