WOODBRIDGE, NJ (GovWire) - At the recent Woodbridge School Board of Education meeting, student achievements were a major topic of discussion. The meeting, which took place on November 16, 2023, included a detailed report from Toby, a student representative from Colonial High School. Toby, who is a senior at Colonial High School, spoke about the various achievements of students from different schools in the district.
Toby mentioned that School 20, Claremont, has been recognized as the 2023 National Blue Ribbon School for the US Department of Education in the category of Exemplary High Performer. This prestigious honor was bestowed upon only 353 schools in the US, one of which was Claremont Ave. School.
Toby also spoke about the various activities and events that took place in different schools, including food drives, breast cancer awareness events, bus safety week, Halloween parades, and American Education Week activities.
The Colonial High School football team was also recognized for its annual Erica Green Light event, which raised money for the Erica charity. The Colonial girls' soccer team raised $5467.75 for the Goal for the Gold Foundation as part of the GMC Soccer for A Cause charity festival.
Board member Mr. Harris also recognized the district's efforts in celebrating Veterans Day, stating that the district recognized the day by having 39 veterans visit schools and talk about their experiences.
The meeting highlighted the many achievements and activities of students in the Woodbridge School District, showcasing the hard work and dedication of both students and staff.
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